Need to look something up quickly? Here you will find a brief definition of all relevant terms related to ZUGSEIL.BEST and our features. Simply use the full text search or click through the categories.
Staff and Company
Authorization concept (employees/ team leaders/ cost centre managers)
Contingent/ assortment management
Design adaptation to own corporate identity
Domain of your choice
Employee & employee group management
Employee knowledge base with news & document storage
Employee management
Employee offboarding
Employee onboarding
Employee sizes & customization management
Employees Article pre-configuration
Fitting size detection
Integration with standard IAMs (Azure-AD/ Active Directory/ OAuth/ SAML)
Internet-SHOP for equipment
Job profiles/ employment types
The job profiles/ types of employment are used to determine who needs what, e.g. train driver, bus driver, track builder, captain, pilot, facility manager, electrician, etc. One or more job profiles/ employment types are assigned to each employee in ZUGSEIL and are thus the link between the employee and the respective contingents consisting of the required equipment.
Lost and found/ loss report process
Management of customizations & individualizations
Management of internal structures
Measurement app (digital self-service: AI-based)
Measurement app (on site with qualified personnel)
Order history
Private ordering
Quota override (authorization-based)
Quota override (with approval process)
Secure operation in the cloud (ISO27001) in one of our regional data centers
Unit-specific mandatory adjustments
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