The SBB-Printshop
Clear solution space instead of labour-intensive offer management
The new kind of Printshop of the Schweizer Bahn Betriebe (SBB) digitalises the complex interaction of several suppliers in the printing sector and the more than 2’000 print & marketing suppliers at SBB. Each print supplier can make their own catalogues and product options such as paper, print types, folding, run lengths, delivery times and much more available to SBB as part of a digital solution space via the specialised ZUGSEIL.CONFIDE product. From these product options of the suppliers, which may overlap in some areas, the overall SBB solution space is created.
From this, SBB employees design their desired products with the help of a product group-independent configurator, which is already included in ZUGSEIL.BEST. Once a product has been designed, ZUGSEIL.CONFIDE selects the suppliers who can produce the desired version and automatically awards the contract to the supplier whose offer best meets the respective specifications (design, quality, lowest price, suitable delivery time). All the knowledge and documentation on the individual print components and the decision-making cascades are secured in the SBB Printshop and are also available for future print projects. The solution space can always be kept up to date for SBB with regular catalogue updates.