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Challenges to managing
employee clothing

The complexity of a software for the management of workwear and safety needs becomes obvious when considering the common requirements of our customers.

Foto: Viacheslav Yakobchuk via Adobe Stock

For nearly two decades, ZUGSEIL has been dedicated to developing customized enterprise solutions for employee apparel and digital outfitting management.

The following problems are just a few examples of challenges we encountered on our way to our ZUGSEIL.BEST solution, and had to be solved digitally:

  1. Sizing: It is often difficult and time-consuming for everyone involved to determine the correct sizes for all employees and ensure that everyone receives the appropriate clothing.

  2. Inventory management: Managing a large inventory (e.g., more than 30,000 employees) of workwear ties up a lot of resources, both human and financial. The challenge of ensuring that there are enough garments on hand at all times to meet demand, while also keeping inventory levels as low as possible, is just one aspect of many. 3 Wear and replacement: Work clothing is a wear and tear product and will need to be replaced over time. Monitoring the condition of the clothing and making timely replacements and repairs must be ensured.

  3. Individuality: Some employees may have individual requirements for their work clothing due to physical limitations or personal preferences. These requirements should be taken into account as best as possible.

  4. Hygiene: Ensuring the cleanliness and hygiene of work clothing may be a key requirement in certain work environments where clothing becomes heavily soiled. 6 Loss or theft: Employees may lose their workwear or valuable assets may be stolen. Often this requires regular reordering and consistent monitoring to ensure all employees are adequately equipped and inventory is maintained

  5. Employee rotation: When new employees are hired or team compositions change, new workwear must be procured, individualized and customized. 8 Budgeting: Managing workwear costs can also be a challenge. It is important to establish and maintain an appropriate budget for the purchase, maintenance, and replacement of workwear.

  6. Regulations and standards: Depending on the industry or work environment, certain regulations and standards relating to work clothing must often be complied with and, in addition, their compliance must also be documented. 10 Sensitive employee data: Sensitive employee data often has to be passed on to suppliers and the storage of the data and the documentation of the order history also takes place at the supplier. The first represents an avoidable data risk, the second an unnecessary dependency.

  7. Communication and organization: Coordination and communication with employees regarding workwear, such as ordering procedures, budget adjustments, returns or changes need effective organization and clear and direct communication to avoid misunderstandings and new efforts.

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